Our responsibility is great...

With the thrust into online learning as a result of the Corona Virus Pandemic schools and organizations have been forced to shift traditional learning models at the flip of a switch. Unfortunately, predators rely heavily on social media as a way to identify and groom victims. We must step up our prevention protocols as the risk continues to increase.

The federal government also emphasizes the role of schools in combating child trafficking. One report released by the U.S. Department of Education identifies the following responsibilities schools have to address child trafficking.

  • Increase staff awareness and educate staff on the indicators and nature of the crime

  • Increase parent and student awareness of the risks involved with trafficking

  • Develop and clearly articulate district and school wide policies on and protocols for identifying a suspected victim or responding to disclosure from a suspected victim.

Why The Cool Aunt (TCA)?

There are lots of great HT Prevention courses out there. Here's where we're different...

  • Facilitators Are OPTIONAL

    Adults can walk through the series with teens or have them to do it independently. With the sweeping shift to distance learning and many organizations experiencing decreased capacity, TCA is the perfect solution to bring critical resources to teens without adding more pressure to staff. In both cases, we provide resources for adults to support teens before and after they experience The Cool Aunt Series.

  • Ongoing Resources & Community

    Every teen (and caregiver) that completes TCA will be added to our database. As our team finds great new stuff (new helplines, #HealthyRelationships memes, cool mental health accounts on TikTok, new "Dangerous or Nah" questions & answers, stories of inspirational teens, etc.), we shoot it out to our TCA community. Never too many resources, right?

  • We Talk about Solicitation

    In today's world, many teens are lured into commercial sexual exploitation by buyers rather than traffickers. Predators (especially online) befriend and manipulate teens, offering money for sexual pictures or favors. Even if the child resists, repeated solicitation can be a gateway to trafficking. TCA addresses this issue head on and provides resources to get help.

Multiple Ways to Deliver The Series

  • Independently: Youth will receive an email with a welcome message and link to complete the series independently from anywhere on any device.

  • 1-on-1 With An Adult (In-person or Virtual): An adult sits alongside the youth to complete the series together.

  • Independently In A Group (In-person or Virtual): A group of youth can complete the course on separate smart phones, tablets or computers in a group setting with an adult overseeing the group.

  • Facilitator-Led In A Group (In-person or Virtual): A facilitator leads the group, showing videos on a shared screen and working through quiz questions with the group as a whole.

Customization, Tracking and Support

  • Template emails and letters to prepare staff, caregivers and teens for The Cool Aunt Series

  • A private course link and customized welcome message for your organization (even co-starring your org's leaders!)

  • Detailed reports of engagement and completion rates

  • Support from The Cool Aunt Team in responding to teens who self-identify as being at high-risk for trafficking

  • Optional add-ons including 101 or advanced Human Trafficking training for adults, live virtual Q&As with Rachel, and much more!